Hi all,

I have the following case class that I want to use as a key in a key-value
rdd. I defined the equals and hashCode methode but it's not working. What
I'm doing wrong ?

*case class PersonID(id: String) {*

*     override def hashCode = id.hashCode*

*     override def equals(other: Any) = other match {*

*         case that: PersonID => this.id <http://this.id> == that.id
<http://that.id> && this.getClass == that.getClass*
*         case _ => false*
*     }   *
* }   *

* val p = sc.parallelize((1 until 10).map(x => (PersonID("1"),x )))*

*p.groupByKey.collect foreach println*

*(PersonID(1),CompactBuffer(8, 9))*



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