That declaration looks OK for Java 8, at least when I tried it just
now vs master. The only thing I see wrong here is getInt throws an
exception which means the lambda has to be more complicated than this.
This is Java code here calling the constructor so yes it can work fine
from Java (8).

On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 5:37 PM, Ron Ayoub <> wrote:
> The following line of code is indicating the constructor is not defined. The
> only examples I can find of usage of JdbcRDD is Scala examples. Does this
> work in Java? Is there any examples? Thanks.
> JdbcRDD<Integer> rdd = new JdbcRDD<Integer>(sp, () -> ods.getConnection(),
> sql, 1, 1783059, 100000, (ResultSet row) -> row.getInt("FEATURE_ID"));

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