I'm writing a paper and I need to calculate tf-idf. Whit your help I
managed to get results, I needed, but the problem is that I need to be able
to explain how each number was gotten. So I tried to understand how idf was
calculated and the numbers i get don't correspond to those I should get .

I have 3 documents (each line a document)
a a b c m m
e a c d e e
d j k l m m c

When I calculate tf, I get this

idf is supposedly calculated idf = log((m + 1) / (d(t) + 1))
m -number of documents (3 in my case).
d(t) - in how many documents is term present
a: log(4/3) =0.1249387366
b: log(4/2) =0.3010299957
c: log(4/4) =0
d: log(4/3) =0.1249387366
e: log(4/2) =0.3010299957
l: log(4/2) =0.3010299957
m: log(4/3) =0.1249387366

When I output  idf vector `
idf.idf.toArray.filter(_.>(0)).distinct.foreach(println(_)) `
I get :

I understand why there are only 3 numbers, because only 3 are unique :
log(4/2), log(4/3), log(4/4), but I don't understand how numbers in idf
where calculated

Best regards,

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