From my understanding, the Spark code use Kryo as a streaming manner for RDD 
partitions, the deserialization comes with iteration to move forward. But the 
internal thing of Kryo to deserialize all the object once or incrementally is 
actually a behavior of Kryo, I guess Kyro will not deserialize the objects once 
for all.


From: Mohit Jaggi []
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2014 2:01 PM
To: Tathagata Das
Subject: Re: MEMORY_ONLY_SER question

I used the word "streaming" but I did not mean to refer to spark streaming. I 
meant if a partition containing 10 objects was kryo-serialized into a single 
buffer, then in a mapPartitions() call, as I call 10 times to 
access these objects one at a time, does the deserialization happen
a) once to get all 10 objects,
b) 10 times "incrementally" to get an object at a time, or
c) 10 times to get 10 objects and discard the "wrong" 9 objects [ i doubt this 
would a design anyone would have adopted ]
I think your answer is option (a) and you refered to Spark streaming to 
indicate that there is no difference in its behavior from spark core...right?

If it is indeed option (a), I am happy with it and don't need to customize. If 
it is (b), I would like to have (a) instead.

I am also wondering if kryo is good at compression of strings and numbers. 
Often I have the data type as "Double" but it could be encoded in much fewer 

On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 1:02 PM, Tathagata Das 
<<>> wrote:
It it deserialized in a streaming manner as the iterator moves over the 
partition. This is a functionality of core Spark, and Spark Streaming just uses 
it as is.
What do you want to customize it to?

On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 9:22 AM, Mohit Jaggi 
<<>> wrote:
If I have an RDD persisted in MEMORY_ONLY_SER mode and then it is needed for a 
transformation/action later, is the whole partition of the RDD deserialized 
into Java objects first before my transform/action code works on it? Or is it 
deserialized in a streaming manner as the iterator moves over the partition? Is 
this behavior customizable? I generally use the Kryo serializer.


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