Probably the easiest/closest way to do this would be with a UDF, something

registerFunction("makeString", (s: Seq[String]) => s.mkString(","))
sql("SELECT *, makeString(c8) AS newC8 FROM jRequests")

Although this does not modify a column, but instead appends a new column.

Another more complicated way to do something like this would be by using the
applySchema function

I'll note that, as part of the ML pipeline work, we have been considering
adding something like:

def modifyColumn(columnName, function)

Any comments anyone has on this interface would be appreciated!


On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 7:02 AM, Daniel Haviv <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm selecting columns from a json file, transform some of them and would
> like to store the result as a parquet file but I'm failing.
> This is what I'm doing:
> val jsonFiles=sqlContext.jsonFile("/requests.loading")
> jsonFiles.registerTempTable("jRequests")
> val clean_jRequests=sqlContext.sql("select c1, c2, c3 ... c55 from
> jRequests")
> and then I run a map:
>  val
> *line(8).asInstanceOf[Iterable[String]].mkString(",")*,line(9) ,line(10)
> ,line(11) ,line(12) ,line(13) ,line(14) ,line(15) ,line(16) ,line(17)
> ,line(18) ,line(19) ,line(20) ,line(21) ,line(22) ,line(23) ,line(24)
> ,line(25) ,line(26) ,line(27) ,line(28) ,line(29) ,line(30) ,line(31)
> ,line(32) ,line(33) ,line(34) ,line(35) ,line(36) ,line(37) ,line(38)
> ,line(39) ,line(40) ,line(41) ,line(42) ,line(43) ,line(44) ,line(45)
> ,line(46) ,line(47) ,line(48) ,line(49) ,line(50)))})
> 1. Is there a smarter way to achieve that (only modify a certain column
> without relating to the others, but keeping all of them)?
> 2. The last statement fails because the tuple has too much members:
> <console>:19: error: object Tuple50 is not a member of package scala
> Thanks for your help,
> Daniel

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