rdd.top collects it on master...

If you want topk for a key run map / mappartition and use a bounded
priority queue and reducebykey the queues.

I experimented with topk from algebird and bounded priority queue wrapped
over jpriority queue ( spark default)...bpq is faster

Code example is here:

On Dec 1, 2014 6:46 AM, "Xuefeng Wu" <ben...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, I have a problem, it is easy in Scala code, but I can not take the top
> N from RDD as RDD.
> There are 10000 Student Score, ask take top 10 age, and then take top 10
> from each age, the result is 100 records.
> The Scala code is here, but how can I do it in RDD,  *for RDD.take return
> is Array, but other RDD.*
> example Scala code:
> import scala.util.Random
> case class StudentScore(age: Int, num: Int, score: Int, name: Int)
> val scores = for {
>   i <- 1 to 10000
> } yield {
>   StudentScore(Random.nextInt(100), Random.nextInt(100), Random.nextInt(), 
> Random.nextInt())
> }
> def takeTop(scores: Seq[StudentScore], byKey: StudentScore => Int): Seq[(Int, 
> Seq[StudentScore])] = {
>   val groupedScore = scores.groupBy(byKey)
>                            .map{case (_, _scores) => 
> (_scores.foldLeft(0)((acc, v) => acc + v.score), _scores)}.toSeq
>   groupedScore.sortBy(_._1).take(10)
> }
> val topScores = for {
>   (_, ageScores) <- takeTop(scores, _.age)
>   (_, numScores) <- takeTop(ageScores, _.num)
> } yield {
>   numScores
> }
> topScores.size
> --
> ~Yours, Xuefeng Wu/吴雪峰  敬上

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