Hi Matt,That's what I'm seeing too. I've reverted to creating a fact in the 
vagrantfile + adding host in puppet. Save's from having to have the vagrant 
plugin installed. Vagrant-hosts looks interesting for scenarios where I control 
all the machines.

Subject: Re: Is there a way to force spark to use specific ips?
From: matt.narr...@gmail.com
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2014 16:34:13 -0700
CC: user@spark.apache.org
To: as...@live.com

Its much easier if you access your nodes by name.  If you’re using Vagrant, use 
the hosts provisioner:  https://github.com/adrienthebo/vagrant-hosts
On Dec 6, 2014, at 8:37 AM, Ashic Mahtab <as...@live.com> wrote:Hi,It appears 
that spark is always attempting to use the driver's hostname to connect / 
broadcast. This is usually fine, except when the cluster doesn't have DNS 
configured. For example, in a vagrant cluster with a private network. The 
workers and masters, and the host (where the driver runs from) can all see each 
other by ip. I can also specify --conf "spark.driver.host=", and 
that results in the workers being able to connect to the driver. However, when 
trying to broadcast anything, it's still trying to use the hostname of the 
host. Now, I can set up a host entry in etc/hosts, but was wondering if there's 
a way to not require the hassle. Is there any way I can force spark to always 
use ips and not hostnames?

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