How are you submitting the job? You need to create a jar of your code (sbt
package will give you one inside target/scala-*/projectname-*.jar) and then
use it while submitting. If you are not using spark-submit then you can
simply add this jar to spark by

Best Regards

On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 7:23 PM, Aniket Bhatnagar <
> wrote:

> I am trying to create (yet another) spark as a service tool that lets you
> submit jobs via REST APIs. I think I have nearly gotten it to work baring a
> few issues. Some of which seem already fixed in 1.2.0 (like SPARK-2889) but
> I have hit the road block with the following issue.
> I have created a simple spark job as following:
> class StaticJob {
> import SparkContext._
> override def run(sc: SparkContext): Result = {
>   val array = Range(1, 10000000).toArray
>   val rdd = sc.parallelize(array)
>   val paired = => (i % 10000, i)).sortByKey()
>   val sum = paired.countByKey()
>   SimpleResult(sum)
> }
> }
> When I submit this job programmatically, it gives me a class not found
> error:
> 2014-12-08 05:41:18,421 [Result resolver thread-0] [warn]
> o.a.s.s.TaskSetManager - Lost task 0.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 0,
> localhost.localdomain): java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
> com.blah.server.examples.StaticJob$$anonfun$1
> Method)
>         java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>         java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>         java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
>         java.lang.Class.forName(
> org.apache.spark.serializer.JavaDeserializationStream$$anon$1.resolveClass(JavaSerializer.scala:59)
> I decompiled the StaticJob$$anonfun$1 class and it seems to point to
> closure ' => (i % 10000, i))'. I am sure why this is happening.
> Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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