This is showing a factor of 200 between python and scala and 1400 when

Is this really accurate?
If not, what is the real performance difference expected on average between
the 3 cases?

On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 11:33 AM, Duy Huynh <> wrote:

> just to give some reference point.  with the same algorithm running on
> mnist dataset.
> 1.  python implementation:  ~10 miliseconds per iteration (can be faster
> if i switch to gpu)
> 2.  local version (scala + breeze):  ~2 seconds per iteration
> 3.  distributed version (spark + scala + breeze):  15 seconds per iteration
> i love spark and really enjoy writing scala code.  but this huge
> difference in performance makes it really hard to do any kind of machine
> learning work.
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 2:18 PM, Duy Huynh <>
> wrote:
>> both.
>> first, the distributed version is so much slower than python.  i tried a
>> few things like broadcasting variables, replacing Seq with Array, and a few
>> other little things.  it helps to improve the performance, but still slower
>> than the python code.
>> so, i wrote a local version that's pretty much just running a bunch of
>> breeze/blas operations.  i guess that's purely scala (no spark).  this
>> local version is faster than the distributed version but still much slower
>> than the python code.
>> On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 2:09 PM, Natu Lauchande <>
>> wrote:
>>> Are you using Scala in a distributed enviroment or in a standalone mode ?
>>> Natu
>>> On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 8:23 PM, ll <> wrote:
>>>> hi.. i'm converting some of my machine learning python code into scala +
>>>> spark.  i haven't been able to run it on large dataset yet, but on small
>>>> datasets (like, my spark + scala
>>>> code is
>>>> much slower than my python code (5 to 10 times slower than python)
>>>> i already tried everything to improve my spark + scala code like
>>>> broadcasting variables, caching the RDD, replacing all my matrix/vector
>>>> operations with breeze/blas, etc.  i saw some improvements, but it's
>>>> still a
>>>> lot slower than my python code.
>>>> why is that?
>>>> how do you improve your spark + scala performance today?
>>>> or is spark + scala just not the right tool for small to medium
>>>> datasets?
>>>> when would you use spark + scala vs. python?
>>>> thanks!
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