Thanks, I didn't try the partitioned table support (sounds like a hive feature)
Is there any guideline? Should I use hiveContext to create the table with 
partition firstly? 

     On Thursday, December 18, 2014 2:28 AM, Michael Armbrust 
<> wrote:

 - Dev list
Have you looked at partitioned table support?  That would only scan data where 
the predicate matches the partition.  Depending on the cardinality of the 
customerId column that could be a good option for you.
On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 2:25 AM, Xuelin Cao <> wrote:

     In Spark SQL help document, it says "Some of these (such as indexes) are 
less important due to Spark SQL’s in-memory  computational model. Others are 
slotted for future releases of Spark SQL.
   - Block level bitmap indexes and virtual columns (used to build indexes)"

     For our use cases, DB index is quite important. I have about 300G data in 
our database, and we always use "customer id" as a predicate for DB look up.  
Without DB index, we will have to scan all 300G data, and it will take > 1 
minute for a simple DB look up, while MySQL only takes 10 seconds. We tried to 
create an independent table for each "customer id", the result is pretty good, 
but the logic will be very complex. 
     I'm wondering when will Spark SQL supports DB index, and before that, is 
there an alternative way to support DB index function?


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