I want to have a SparkContext inside of a  web application running in Jetty
that i can use to submit jobs to a cluster of Spark executors. I am running

Ultimately, I would love it if I could just use somethjing like
SparkSubmit.main() to allocate a bunch of resoruces in YARN when the webapp
is deployed and de-allocate them whent he webapp goes down. The problem is,
SparkSubmit, just like the spark-submit script, requires that I have a JAR
that can be deployed to all the nodes right away. Perhaps I'm not
understanding enough about how SPark works internally, but i thought it was
similar to the Scala shell where closures can be shipped off to executors
at runtime.

I was wondering if another approach would be to start up an app in
yarn-client mode that does nothing and then have my web-application connect
to that master.

Any ideas?


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