hey guys
Some of u may care :-) but this is just give u a background with where I am 
going with this. I have an IOS medical side effects app called MedicalSideFx. I 
built the entire underlying data layer aggregation using hadoop and currently 
the search is based on lucene. I am re-architecting the data layer by replacing 
hadoop with Spark and integrating FDA data, Canadian sidefx data and vaccines 
sidefx data.     
  @Kapil , sorry but flatMapValues is being reported as undefined
To give u a complete picture of the code (its inside IntelliJ but thats only 
for testing....the real code runs on sparkshell on my cluster)

If u were to assume dataset as 
025005,Arthritis,8.10,Injection site oedema,8.10,Injection site 

This present version of the code, the flatMap works but only gives me values 
ArthritisInjection site oedemaInjection site reaction

What I need is
025005,Injection site oedema025005,Injection site reaction

      From: Kapil Malik <kma...@adobe.com>
 To: Sean Owen <so...@cloudera.com>; Sanjay Subramanian 
Cc: "user@spark.apache.org" <user@spark.apache.org> 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2014 9:35 AM
 Subject: RE: FlatMapValues
Hi Sanjay,

Oh yes .. on flatMapValues, it's defined in PairRDDFunctions, and you need to 
import org.apache.spark.rdd.SparkContext._ to use them 

@Sean, yes indeed flatMap / flatMapValues both can be used.



-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Owen [mailto:so...@cloudera.com] 
Sent: 31 December 2014 21:16
To: Sanjay Subramanian
Cc: user@spark.apache.org
Subject: Re: FlatMapValues

>From the clarification below, the problem is that you are calling 
>flatMapValues, which is only available on an RDD of key-value tuples.
Your map function returns a tuple in one case but a String in the other, so 
your RDD is a bunch of Any, which is not at all what you want. You need to 
return a tuple in both cases, which is what Kapil pointed out.

However it's still not quite what you want. Your input is basically [key value1 
value2 value3] so you want to flatMap that to (key,value1)
(key,value2) (key,value3). flatMapValues does not come into play.

On Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 3:25 PM, Sanjay Subramanian 
<sanjaysubraman...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> My understanding is as follows
> STEP 1 (This would create a pair RDD)
> =======
> reacRdd.map(line => line.split(',')).map(fields => {
>  if (fields.length >= 11 && !fields(0).contains("VAERS_ID")) {
> (fields(0),(fields(1)+"\t"+fields(3)+"\t"+fields(5)+"\t"+fields(7)+"\t"+fields(9)))
>  }
>  else {
>    ""
>  }
>  })
> STEP 2
> =======
> Since previous step created a pair RDD, I thought flatMapValues method 
> will be applicable.
> But the code does not even compile saying that flatMapValues is not 
> applicable to RDD :-(
> reacRdd.map(line => line.split(',')).map(fields => {
>  if (fields.length >= 11 && !fields(0).contains("VAERS_ID")) {
> (fields(0),(fields(1)+"\t"+fields(3)+"\t"+fields(5)+"\t"+fields(7)+"\t"+fields(9)))
>  }
>  else {
>    ""
>  }
>  }).flatMapValues(skus =>
> skus.split('\t')).saveAsTextFile("/data/vaers/msfx/reac/" + outFile)
> =======
> when a dataset looks like the following
> 1,red,blue,green
> 2,yellow,violet,pink
> I want to output the following and I am asking how do I do that ? 
> Perhaps my code is 100% wrong. Please correct me and educate me :-)
> 1,red
> 1,blue
> 1,green
> 2,yellow
> 2,violet
> 2,pink

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