The Spark code generates the log directory with "770" permissions. On
top of that you need to make sure of two things:

- all directories up to /apps/spark/historyserver/logs/ are readable
by the user running the history server
- the user running the history server belongs to the group that owns

I think the code could be more explicitly about setting the group of
the generated log directories and files, but if you follow the two
rules above things should work. Also, I recommend setting
/apps/spark/historyserver/logs/ itself to "1777" so that any user can
generate logs, but only the owner (or a superuser) can delete them.

On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 7:45 AM,  <> wrote:
> Hi,
> When I run jobs and save the event logs, they are saved with the permissions
> of the unix user and group that ran the spark job. The history server is run
> as a service account and therefore can’t read the files:
> Extract from the History server logs:
> 2015-01-07 15:37:24,3021 ERROR Client fs/client/fileclient/cc/
> Thread: 1183 User does not have access to open file
> /apps/spark/historyserver/logs/spark-1420644521194
> 15/01/07 15:37:24 ERROR ReplayListenerBus: Exception in parsing Spark event
> log /apps/spark/historyserver/logs/spark-1420644521194/EVENT_LOG_1
> Open failed for file:
> /apps/spark/historyserver/logs/spark-1420644521194/EVENT_LOG_1, error:
> Permission denied (13)
> Is there a setting which I can change that allows the files to be world
> readable or at least by the account running the history server? Currently,
> the job appears in the History Sever UI but only states ‘<Not Started>’.
> Thanks,
> Michael
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