An executor is specific to a Spark application, just as a mapper is
specific to a MapReduce job. So a machine will usually be running many
executors, and each is a JVM.

A Mapper is single-threaded; an executor can run many tasks (possibly
from different jobs within the application) at once. Yes, 5 executors
with 4 cores should be able to process 20 tasks in parallel.

In any normal case, you have 1 executor per machine per application.
There are cases where you would make more than 1, but these are

On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 8:16 PM, Shuai Zheng <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I try to clarify some behavior in the spark for executor. Because I am from
> Hadoop background, so I try to compare it to the Mapper (or reducer) in
> hadoop.
> 1, Each node can have multiple executors, each run in its own process? This
> is same as mapper process.
> 2, I thought the spark executor will use multi-thread mode when there are
> more than 1 core to allocate to it (for example: set executor-cores to 5).
> In this way, how many partition it can process? For example, if input are 20
> partitions (similar as 20 split as mapper input) and we have 5 executors,
> each has 4 cores. Will all these partitions will be proceed as the same time
> (so each core process one partition) or actually one executor can only run
> one partition at the same time?
> I don’t know whether my understand is correct, please suggest.
> BTW: In general practice, should we always try to set the executor-cores to
> a higher number? So we will favor 10 cores * 2 executor than 2 cores*10
> executors? Any suggestion here?
> Thanks!
> Regards,
> Shuai

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