btw: Shuffle Write(11 GB) mean 11 GB per Executor, for each task, it's ~40

2015-01-21 17:53 GMT+08:00 Fengyun RAO <>:

> I don't know how to debug distributed application, any tools or suggestion?
> but from spark web UI,
> the GC time (~0.1 s), Shuffle Write(11 GB) are similar for spark 1.1 and
> 1.2.
> there are no Shuffle Read and Spill.
> The only difference is Duration
> DurationMin25th percentileMedian75th percentileMaxspark 1.24s37s45s53s1.9
> minspark 1.12 s17 s18 s18 s34 s
> 2015-01-21 16:56 GMT+08:00 Sean Owen <>:
>> I mean that if you had tasks running on 10 machines now instead of 3 for
>> some reason you would have more than 3 times the read load on your source
>> of data all at once. Same if you made more executors per machine. But from
>> your additional info it does not sound like this is the case. I think you
>> need more debugging to pinpoint what is slower.
>> On Jan 21, 2015 9:30 AM, "Fengyun RAO" <> wrote:
>>> thanks, Sean.
>>> I don't quite understand "you have *more *partitions across *more *
>>> workers".
>>> It's within the same cluster, and the same data, thus I think the same
>>> partition, the same workers.
>>> we switched from spark 1.1 to 1.2, then it's 3x slower.
>>> (We upgrade from CDH 5.2.1 to CDH 5.3, hence spark 1.1 to 1.2, and found
>>> the problem.
>>> then we installed a standalone spark 1.1, stop the 1.2, run the same
>>> script, it's 3x faster.
>>> stop 1.1, start 1.2, 3x slower again)
>>> 2015-01-21 15:45 GMT+08:00 Sean Owen <>:
>>>> I don't know of any reason to think the singleton pattern doesn't work
>>>> or works differently. I wonder if, for example, task scheduling is
>>>> different in 1.2 and you have more partitions across more workers and so
>>>> are loading more copies more slowly into your singletons.
>>>> On Jan 21, 2015 7:13 AM, "Fengyun RAO" <> wrote:
>>>>> the LogParser instance is not serializable, and thus cannot be a
>>>>> broadcast,
>>>>> what’s worse, it contains an LRU cache, which is essential to the
>>>>> performance, and we would like to share among all the tasks on the same
>>>>> node.
>>>>> If it is the case, what’s the recommended way to share a variable
>>>>> among all the tasks within the same executor.
>>>>> ​
>>>>> 2015-01-21 15:04 GMT+08:00 Davies Liu <>:
>>>>>> Maybe some change related to serialize the closure cause LogParser is
>>>>>> not a singleton any more, then it is initialized for every task.
>>>>>> Could you change it to a Broadcast?
>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 10:39 PM, Fengyun RAO <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> > Currently we are migrating from spark 1.1 to spark 1.2, but found
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> > program 3x slower, with nothing else changed.
>>>>>> > note: our program in spark 1.1 has successfully processed a whole
>>>>>> year data,
>>>>>> > quite stable.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > the main script is as below
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > sc.textFile(inputPath)
>>>>>> > .flatMap(line => LogParser.parseLine(line))
>>>>>> > .groupByKey(new HashPartitioner(numPartitions))
>>>>>> > .mapPartitionsWithIndex(...)
>>>>>> > .foreach(_ => {})
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > where LogParser is a singleton which may take some time to
>>>>>> initialized and
>>>>>> > is shared across the execuator.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > the flatMap stage is 3x slower.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > We tried to change spark.shuffle.manager back to hash, and
>>>>>> > spark.shuffle.blockTransferService back to nio, but didn’t help.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > May somebody explain possible causes, or what should we test or
>>>>>> change to
>>>>>> > find it out

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