If you would like a morr detailed walkthrough I wrote one recently.


Jason Bell
 On 22 Feb 2015 14:16, "VISHNU SUBRAMANIAN" <johnfedrickena...@gmail.com>

> Try restarting your Spark cluster .
> ./sbin/stop-all.sh
> ./sbin/start-all.sh
> Thanks,
> Vishnu
> On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 7:30 PM, Surendran Duraisamy <
> 2013ht12...@wilp.bits-pilani.ac.in> wrote:
>>  Hello All,
>> I am new to Apache Spark, I am trying to run JavaKMeans.java from Spark
>> Examples in my Ubuntu System.
>> I downloaded spark-1.2.1-bin-hadoop2.4.tgz
>> <http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/spark/spark-1.2.1/spark-1.2.1-bin-hadoop2.4.tgz>
>> and started sbin/start-master.sh
>> After starting Spark and access http://localhost:8080/ to look at the
>> status of my Spark Instance, and it shows as follows.
>>    - *URL:* spark://vm:7077
>>    - *Workers:* 0
>>    - *Cores:* 0 Total, 0 Used
>>    - *Memory:* 0.0 B Total, 0.0 B Used
>>    - *Applications:* 0 Running, 4 Completed
>>    - *Drivers:* 0 Running, 0 Completed
>>    - *Status:* ALIVE
>> Number of Cores is 0 and Memory is 0.0B. I think because of this I am
>> getting following error when I try to run JavaKMeans.java
>> "Initial job has not accepted any resources; check your cluster UI to
>> ensure that workers are registered and have sufficient memory"
>> Am I missing any configuration before running sbin/start-master.sh?
>>  Regards,
>> Surendran

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