Tathagata, yes, I was using StreamingContext.getOrCreate. My question is
about the design decision here. I was expecting that if I have a streaming
application that say crashed, and I wanted to give the executors more
memory, I would be able to restart, using the checkpointed RDD but with
more memory.

I thought deleting the checkpoints in a checkpointed application is the
last thing that you want to do (as you lose all state). Seems a bit harsh
to have to do this just to increase the amount of memory?

On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 11:12 PM, Tathagata Das <t...@databricks.com> wrote:

> Hey Yana,
> I think you posted screenshots, but they are not visible in the email.
> Probably better to upload them and post links.
> Are you using StreamingContext.getOrCreate? If that is being used, then it
> will recreate the SparkContext with SparkConf having whatever configuration
> is present in the existing checkpoint files. It may so happen that the
> existing checkpoint files were from an old run which had 512 configured. So
> the SparkConf in the restarted SparkContext/StremingContext is accidentally
> picking up the old configuration. Deleting the checkpoint files avoided a
> restart, and the new config took affect. Maybe. :)
> TD
> On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 7:30 PM, Yana Kadiyska <yana.kadiy...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I had a streaming application and midway through things decided to up the
>> executor memory. I spent a long time launching like this:
>> ~/spark-1.2.0-bin-cdh4/bin/spark-submit --class StreamingTest
>> --executor-memory 2G --master...
>> and observing the executor memory is still at old 512 setting
>> I was about to ask if this is a bug when I decided to delete the
>> checkpoints. Sure enough the setting took after that.
>> So my question is -- why is it required to remove checkpoints to increase
>> memory allowed on an executor? This seems pretty un-intuitive to me.
>> Thanks for any insights.

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