It's hard to tell. I have not run this on EC2 but this worked for me:

The only thing that I can think of is that the scheduling mode is set to

   - *Scheduling Mode:* FAIR

val pool: ExecutorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(poolSize)
while_loop to get curr_job
     pool.execute(new ReportJob(sqlContext, curr_job, i))

class ReportJob(sqlContext:org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext,query:
String,id:Int) extends Runnable with Logging {
  def threadId = (Thread.currentThread.getName() + "\t")

  def run() {
    logInfo(s"********************* Running ${threadId} ${id}")
    val startTime = Platform.currentTime
    val hiveQuery=query
    val result_set = sqlContext.sql(hiveQuery)
    logInfo(s"********************* DONE ${threadId} ${id} time:


On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 4:04 AM, Harika <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have been running a simple SQL program on Spark. To test the concurrency,
> I have created 10 threads inside the program, all threads using same
> SQLContext object. When I ran the program on my EC2 cluster using
> spark-submit, only 3 threads were running in parallel. I have repeated the
> test on different EC2 clusters (containing different number of cores) and
> found out that only 3 threads are running in parallel on every cluster.
> Why is this behaviour seen? What does this number 3 specify?
> Is there any configuration parameter that I have to set if I want to run
> more threads concurrently?
> Thanks
> Harika
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