You can do this with the 'cartesian' product method on RDD. For example:

val rdd1 = ...
val rdd2 = ...

val combinations = rdd1.cartesian(rdd2).filter{ case (a,b) => a < b }


On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 10:37 PM, Xi Shen <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have two big RDD, and I need to do some math against each pair of them.
> Traditionally, it is like a nested for-loop. But for RDD, it cause a nested
> RDD which is prohibited.
> Currently, I am collecting one of them, then do a nested for-loop, so to
> avoid nested RDD. But would like to know if there's spark-way to do this.
> Thanks,
> David

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