
Trying to build Spark 1.3 with Scala 2.11 supporting yarn & hive (with
thrift server).


*mvn -e -DskipTests -Pscala-2.11 -Dscala-2.11 -Pyarn -Pmapr4 -Phive
-Phive-thriftserver clean install*

The build fails with;

INFO] Compiling 9 Scala sources to
object ConsoleReader is not a member of package jline[ERROR] import
jline.{ConsoleReader, History}[ERROR]        ^[WARNING] Class
jline.Completor not found - continuing with a stub.[WARNING] Class
jline.ConsoleReader not found - continuing with a stub.[ERROR]
not found: type ConsoleReader[ERROR]     val reader = new
ConsoleReader()[ERROR]                      ^[ERROR] Class
jline.Completor not found - continuing with a stub.[WARNING] Class
com.google.protobuf.Parser not found - continuing with a
stub.[WARNING] Class com.google.protobuf.Parser not found - continuing
with a stub.[WARNING] Class com.google.protobuf.Parser not found -
continuing with a stub.[WARNING] Class com.google.protobuf.Parser not
found - continuing with a stub.[WARNING] 6 warnings found[ERROR] three
errors found[INFO]
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] Spark Project Parent POM ........................... SUCCESS [ 15.731 s]
[INFO] Spark Project Networking ........................... SUCCESS [ 46.667 s]
[INFO] Spark Project Shuffle Streaming Service ............ SUCCESS [ 28.508 s]
[INFO] Spark Project Core ................................. SUCCESS [07:45 min]
[INFO] Spark Project Bagel ................................ SUCCESS [01:10 min]
[INFO] Spark Project GraphX ............................... SUCCESS [02:42 min]
[INFO] Spark Project Streaming ............................ SUCCESS [03:22 min]
[INFO] Spark Project Catalyst ............................. SUCCESS [04:42 min]
[INFO] Spark Project SQL .................................. SUCCESS [05:17 min]
[INFO] Spark Project ML Library ........................... SUCCESS [05:36 min]
[INFO] Spark Project Tools ................................ SUCCESS [ 46.976 s]
[INFO] Spark Project Hive ................................. SUCCESS [04:08 min]
[INFO] Spark Project REPL ................................. SUCCESS [01:58 min]
[INFO] Spark Project YARN ................................. SUCCESS [01:47 min]
[INFO] Spark Project Hive Thrift Server ................... FAILURE [ 20.731 s]
[INFO] Spark Project Assembly ............................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Spark Project External Twitter ..................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Spark Project External Flume Sink .................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Spark Project External Flume ....................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Spark Project External MQTT ........................ SKIPPED
[INFO] Spark Project External ZeroMQ ...................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Spark Project Examples ............................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Spark Project YARN Shuffle Service ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 41:59 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2015-03-30T07:06:49+00:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 94M/868M
Failed to execute goal
(scala-compile-first) on project spark-hive-thriftserver_2.11:
Execution scala-compile-first of goal
net.alchim31.maven:scala-maven-plugin:3.2.0:compile failed.
CompileFailed -> [Help
1]org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to
execute goal net.alchim31.maven:scala-maven-plugin:3.2.0:compile
(scala-compile-first) on project spark-hive-thriftserver_2.11:
Execution scala-compile-first of goal
net.alchim31.maven:scala-maven-plugin:3.2.0:compile failed.

Any ideas?


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