I copied the following from the spark streaming UI, I don't know why the 
Waiting batches is 1, my understanding is that it should be 72.
Following  is my understanding: 
1. Total time is 1minute 35 seconds=95 seconds
2. Batch interval is 1 second, so, 95 batches are generated in 95 seconds.
3. Processed batches are 23(Correct, because in my processing code, it does 
nothing but sleep 4 seconds)
4. Then the waiting batches should be 95-23=72

Started at: Fri Apr 03 15:17:47 CST 2015 
Time since start: 1 minute 35 seconds 
Network receivers: 1 
Batch interval: 1 second 
Processed batches: 23 
Waiting batches: 1 
Received records: 0 
Processed records: 0       


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