Hi Todd,

We are using Apache C* 2.1.3, not DSE. We got Tableau to work directly with C* 
using the ODBC driver, but now would like to add Spark SQL to the mix. I 
haven’t been able to find any documentation for how to make this combination 

We are using the Spark-Cassandra-Connector in our applications, but haven’t 
been able to figure out how to get the Spark SQL Thrift Server to use it and 
connect to C*. That is the missing piece. Once we solve that piece of the 
puzzle then Tableau should be able to see the tables in C*.

Hi Pawan,
Tableau + C* is pretty straight forward, especially if you are using DSE. 
Create a new DSN in Tableau using the ODBC driver that comes with DSE. Once you 
connect, Tableau allows to use C* keyspace as schema and column families as 


From: pawan kumar [mailto:pkv...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, April 3, 2015 7:41 AM
To: Todd Nist
Cc: user@spark.apache.org; Mohammed Guller
Subject: Re: Tableau + Spark SQL Thrift Server + Cassandra

Hi Todd,

Thanks for the link. I would be interested in this solution. I am using DSE for 
cassandra. Would you provide me with info on connecting with DSE either through 
Tableau or zeppelin. The goal here is query cassandra through spark sql so that 
I could perform joins and groupby on my queries. Are you able to perform spark 
sql queries with tableau?

Pawan Venugopal
On Apr 3, 2015 5:03 AM, "Todd Nist" 
<tsind...@gmail.com<mailto:tsind...@gmail.com>> wrote:
What version of Cassandra are you using?  Are you using DSE or the stock Apache 
Cassandra version?  I have connected it with DSE, but have not attempted it 
with the standard Apache Cassandra version.

 provides an ODBC driver tor accessing C* from Tableau.  Granted it does not 
provide all the goodness of Spark.  Are you attempting to leverage the 
spark-cassandra-connector for this?

On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 10:20 PM, Mohammed Guller 
<moham...@glassbeam.com<mailto:moham...@glassbeam.com>> wrote:
Hi –

Is anybody using Tableau to analyze data in Cassandra through the Spark SQL 
Thrift Server?



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