I submit a spark app to YARN and i get these messages

 15/04/22 22:45:04 INFO yarn.Client: Application report for
application_1429087638744_101363 (state: RUNNING)

15/04/22 22:45:04 INFO yarn.Client: Application report for
application_1429087638744_101363 (state: RUNNING).


1) I can go to Spark UI and see the status of the APP but cannot see the
logs as the job progresses. How can i see logs of executors as they
progress ?

2) In case the App fails/completes then Spark UI vanishes and i get a YARN
Job page that says job failed, there are no link to Spark UI again. Now i
take the job ID and run yarn application logs appid and my console fills up
(with huge scrolling) with logs of all executors. Then i copy and paste
into a text editor and search for keywords "Exception" , "Job aborted due
to ". Is this the right way to view logs ?


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