Hi guys,

Having a problem build a DataFrame in Spark SQL from a JDBC data source
when running with --master yarn-client and adding the JDBC driver JAR with
--jars. If I run with a local[*] master all works fine.

./bin/spark-shell --jars /tmp/libs/mysql-jdbc.jar --master yarn-client

sqlContext.load("jdbc", Map("url" ->
"jdbc:mysql://mysqlsvr:3306/MyDB;user=usr;password=pwd", "driver" ->
"com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "dbtable" -> "MY_TBL”))

This throws a class not found exception when running with Spark SQL. But
when trying to get the driver class on the workers or driver the class is
found no problems. So I'm guessing this is some problem with the primordial
class loader/Java security in the DriverManager and the class loader used
in Spark SQL when running on YARN.

Any ideas? The only thing I have found that works is merging my mysql adbc
driver into the Spark assembly JAR thats shipped to YARN. Because adding
with --jars doesn't work.


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