For me it wouldn’t help I guess, because those newer classes would still be 
loaded by different classloader.
What did work for me with 1.3.1 – removing of those classes from Spark’s jar 
completely, so they get loaded from external Guava (the version I prefer) and 
by the classloader I expect.
That’s why I proposed to put them into separate maven artifact where they could 
be just excluded in the build of the app that depends on Spark.

From: Marcelo Vanzin []
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 11:55 AM
To: Anton Brazhnyk
Subject: Re: Spark's Guava pieces cause exceptions in non-trivial deployments

Ah, I see. yeah, it sucks that Spark has to expose Optional (and things it 
depends on), but removing that would break the public API, so...
One last thing you could try is do add your newer Guava jar to 
"spark.driver.extraClassPath" and "spark.executor.extraClassPath". Those 
settings will place your jars before Spark's in the classpath, so you'd 
actually be using the newer versions of the conflicting classes everywhere.
It does require manually distributing the Guava jar to the same location on all 
nodes in the cluster, though.

If that doesn't work. Thomas's suggestion of shading Guava in your app can be 
used as a last resort.

On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 7:38 PM, Anton Brazhnyk 
<<>> wrote:
The problem is with 1.3.1
It has Function class (mentioned in exception) in 
Our current resolution is actually backport to 1.2.2, which is working fine.

From: Marcelo Vanzin [<>]
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 6:27 PM
To: Anton Brazhnyk
Subject: Re: Spark's Guava pieces cause exceptions in non-trivial deployments

What version of Spark are you using?
The bug you mention is only about the Optional class (and a handful of others, 
but none of the classes you're having problems with). All other Guava classes 
should be shaded since Spark 1.2, so you should be able to use your own version 
of Guava with no problems (aside from the Optional classes).
Also, Spark 1.3 added some improvements to how shading is done, so if you're 
using 1.2 I'd recommend trying 1.3 before declaring defeat.

On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 4:52 PM, Anton Brazhnyk 
<<>> wrote:

I have a relatively complex application with Spark, Jetty and Guava (16) not 
fitting together.
Exception happens when some components try to use “mix” of Guava classes 
(including Spark’s pieces) that are loaded by different classloaders:
java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when resolving method 
 the class loader (instance of org/eclipse/jetty/webapp/WebAppClassLoader) of 
the current class, org/apache/cassandra/db/ColumnFamilyStore, and the class 
loader (instance of java/net/URLClassLoader) for resolved class, 
com/google/common/collect/Iterables, have different Class objects for the type 
e;Lcom/google/common/base/Function;)Ljava/lang/Iterable; used in the signature

According to it’s not going to 
be fixed at least until Spark 2.0, but maybe some workaround is possible?
Those classes are pretty simple and have low chances to be changed in Guava 
significantly, so any “external” Guava can provide them.

So, could such problems be fixed if those Spark’s pieces of Guava would be in 
separate jar and could be excluded from the mix (substituted by “external” 




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