Hi Ewan,

Different from AvroParquetWriter, in Spark SQL we uses StructType as the intermediate schema format. So when converting Avro files to Parquet files, we internally converts Avro schema to Spark SQL StructType first, and then convert StructType to Parquet schema.


On 5/19/15 4:42 PM, Ewan Leith wrote:

Hi all,

I might be missing something, but does the new Spark 1.3 sqlContext save interface support using Avro as the schema structure when writing Parquet files, in a similar way to AvroParquetWriter (which I’ve got working)?

I've seen how you can load an avro file and save it as parquet fromhttps://databricks.com/blog/2015/03/24/spark-sql-graduates-from-alpha-in-spark-1-3.html, but not using the 2 together.

Thanks, and apologies if I've missed something obvious!


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