
Can you please add us to the list of Spark Users

Org: PanTera
URL: http://pantera.io
Components we are using:

   - PanTera uses a direct access to the Spark Scala API
   - Spark Core ­ SparkContext, JavaSparkContext, SparkConf, RDD, JavaRDD,
   - Accumulable, AccumulableParam, Accumulator, AccumulatorParam,
   - StorageLevel, Broadcast, HashPartitioner, Logging, KryoRegistrator,
   - NewHadoopRDD, UnionRDD
   - We also use SharedSparkContext for testing, but we've made a copy
   - SparkSQL ­ SQLContext, JavaSQLContext, ByteType, IntType, LongType,
   - FloatType, DoubleType, BooleanType, StringType, ArrayType,
   - TimestampType, StructField, StructType, Row, GenericRow
   - Spark Streaming ­ We have done so in the past, and will again in the
   - but not currently supported (when used: StreamingContext, DStream,
   - GraphX ­ Graph, PartitionStrategy, Edge, EdgeTriplet, VertexRDD,
   - graphToGraphOps

Use Case:

PanTera is a tool for exploring large datasets. It uses Spark to create XY
and geographic scatterplots from millions to billions of datapoints.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks very much,

Cyrus Handy
PanTera <http://pantera.io> Product Manager
Uncharted™ <http://uncharted.software> (Formerly Oculus Info Inc.)
Direct: 416-203-3003 x232
Mobile: 416-821-3025

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