So sounds like some generic downloadable uris support can solve this
problem, that Mesos automatically places in your sandbox and you can refer
to it.

If so please file a jira and this is a pretty simple fix on the Spark side.


On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 7:34 AM, andy petrella <>

> Hello,
> I'm currently exploring DCOS for the spark notebook, and while looking at
> the spark configuration I found something interesting which is actually
> converging to what we've discovered:
> So the logging is working fine here because the spark package is using the
> spark-class which is able to configure the log4j file. But the interesting
> part comes with the fact that the `uris` parameter is filled in with a
> downloadable path to the log4j file!
> However, it's not possible when creating the spark context ourselfves and
> relying on  the mesos sheduler backend only. Unles the spark.executor.uri
> (or a another one) can take more than one downloadable path.
> my.2ยข
> andy
> On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 5:09 PM Gerard Maas <> wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> Thanks for the info.   We (Andy Petrella and myself) have been diving a
>> bit deeper into this log config:
>> The log line I was referring to is this one (sorry, I provided the others
>> just for context)
>> *Using Spark's default log4j profile:
>> org/apache/spark/*
>> That line comes from Logging.scala [1] where a default config is loaded
>> is none is found in the classpath upon the startup of the Spark Mesos
>> executor in the Mesos sandbox. At that point in time, none of the
>> application-specific resources have been shipped yet as the executor JVM is
>> just starting up.   To load a custom configuration file we should have it
>> already on the sandbox before the executor JVM starts and add it to the
>> classpath on the startup command. Is that correct?
>> For the classpath customization, It looks like it should be possible to
>> pass a -Dlog4j.configuration  property by using the
>> 'spark.executor.extraClassPath' that will be picked up at [2] and that
>> should be added to the command that starts the executor JVM, but the
>> resource must be already on the host before we can do that. Therefore we
>> also need some means of 'shipping' the log4j.configuration file to the
>> allocated executor.
>> This all boils down to your statement on the need of shipping extra files
>> to the sandbox. Bottom line: It's currently not possible to specify a
>> config file for your mesos executor. (ours grows several GB/day).
>> The only workaround I found so far is to open up the Spark assembly,
>> replace the and pack it up again.  That would
>> work, although kind of rudimentary as we use the same assembly for many
>> jobs.  Probably, accessing the log4j API programmatically should also work
>> (I didn't try that yet)
>> Should we open a JIRA for this functionality?
>> -kr, Gerard.
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 7:50 PM, Tim Chen <> wrote:
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Tim Chen <>
>>> Date: Thu, May 28, 2015 at 10:49 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [Streaming] Configure executor logging on Mesos
>>> To: Gerard Maas <>
>>> Hi Gerard,
>>> The log line you referred to is not Spark logging but Mesos own logging,
>>> which is using glog.
>>> Our own executor logs should only contain very few lines though.
>>> Most of the log lines you'll see is from Spark, and it can be controled
>>> by specifiying a to be downloaded with your Mesos task.
>>> Alternatively if you are downloading Spark executor via spark.executor.uri,
>>> you can include in that tar ball.
>>> I think we probably need some more configurations for Spark scheduler to
>>> pick up extra files to be downloaded into the sandbox.
>>> Tim
>>> On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 6:46 AM, Gerard Maas <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm trying to control the verbosity of the logs on the Mesos executors
>>>> with no luck so far. The default behaviour is INFO on stderr dump with an
>>>> unbounded growth that gets too big at some point.
>>>> I noticed that when the executor is instantiated, it locates a default
>>>> log configuration in the spark assembly:
>>>> I0528 13:36:22.958067 26890 exec.cpp:206] Executor registered on slave
>>>> 20150528-063307-780930314-5050-8152-S5
>>>> Spark assembly has been built with Hive, including Datanucleus jars on
>>>> classpath
>>>> Using Spark's default log4j profile:
>>>> org/apache/spark/
>>>> So, no matter what I provide in my job jar files (or also tried with
>>>> ( takes effect in the
>>>> executor's configuration.
>>>> How should I configure the log on the executors?
>>>> thanks, Gerard.

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