Try something like the following.

Create a function to make the HTTP call, e.g.
using org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient as in below.

def getUrlAsString(url: String): String = {
  val client = new org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient()
  val request = new org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet(url)
  val response = client.execute(request)
  val handler = new org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicResponseHandler()

Then build up your set of urls, and pass the, as a parameter to your HTTP
function. This is not the most basic example, but it includes some logic to
handle paging for a REST API and also control the number of concurrent
threads if there are fewer than number of CPUs.

val (max, batchSize, threads) = (1500, 200, 20)

val calls = sc.parallelize(
  (0 to max by batchSize).map(
    page => s"https://some.url/jsonapi?_start=${page}&_limit=${batchSize}";)

if (debug) {
  def partMapper(index: Int, iter: Iterator[String]) : Iterator[ Map[
String, Any ] ] = { => Map("thread" -> index, "call" ->

val callRDD =

val yourDataFrame = jsonRDD(callRDD)

On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 7:25 PM, William Briggs <> wrote:

> Hi Kaspar,
> This is definitely doable, but in my opinion, it's important to remember
> that, at its core, Spark is based around a functional programming paradigm
> - you're taking input sets of data and, by applying various
> transformations, you end up with a dataset that represents your "answer".
> Without knowing more about your use case, and keeping in mind that I'm very
> new to Spark, here are a few things I would want to think about if I were
> writing this as a non-Streaming Spark application:
>    1. What is your starting dataset? Do you have an initial set of
>    parameters or a data source that is used to define each of the millions of
>    requests? If so, then that should comprise your first RDD and you can
>    perform subsequent transformations to prepare your HTTP requests (e.g.,
>    start with the information that drives the generation of the requests, and
>    use map/flatMap to create an RDD that has the full list of requests you
>    want to run).
>    2. Are the HTTP requests read-only, and/or idempotent (are you only
>    looking up data, or are you performing requests that cause some sort of
>    side effect)? Spark operations against RDDs work by defining a lineage
>    graph, and transformations will be re-run if a partition in the lineage
>    needs to be recalculated for any reason. If your HTTP requests are causing
>    side-effects that should not be repeated, then Spark may not be the best
>    fit for that portion of the job, and you might want to use something else,
>    pipe the results into HDFS, and then analyze those using Spark..
>    3. If your web service requests are lookups or are idempotent, then
>    we're on the right track. Keep in mind that your web service probably will
>    not scale as well as the Spark job - a naive first-pass implementation
>    could easily overwhelm many services, particularly if/when partitions need
>    to be recalculated. There are a few mechanisms you can use to mitigate this
>    - one is to use mapPartitions rather than map when transforming the set of
>    requests to the set of results, initialize an HTTP connection for each
>    partition, and transform the data that defines the request into your
>    desired dataset by invoking the web service. Using mapPartitions allows you
>    to limit the number of concurrent HTTP connections to one per partition
>    (although this may be too slow if your service is slow... there is
>    obviously a bit of analysis, testing and profiling that would need to be
>    done on the entire job). Another consideration would be to look at
>    persisting or caching the intermediate results after you've successfully
>    retrieved your results from the service, to reduce the likelihood of
>    hitting the web service more than necessary.
>    4. Just realized you might be looking for help invoking an HTTP
>    service programmatically from Scala / Spark - if so, you might want to look
>    at the spray-client <>
>    library.
>    5. With millions of web service requests, it's highly likely some will
>    fail, for a variety of reasons. Look into using Scala's Try
>    <> or
>    Either
>    <> monads
>    to encode success / failure, and treat failed requests as first-class
>    citizens in your RDD of results (by retrying them, filtering them, logging
>    them, etc., based on your specific needs and use case). Make sure you are
>    setting reasonable timeouts on your service calls to prevent the jSpark ob
>    from getting stuck if the service turns into a black hole.
> As I said above, I'm pretty new to Spark, so others may have some better
> advice, or even tell you to ignore mine completely (no hard feelings, I
> promise - this is all very new to me).
> Good luck!
> Regards,
> Will
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 3:49 AM, kasparfischer <>
> wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> I'm new to Spark, apologies if my question is very basic.
>> I have a need to send millions of requests to a web service and analyse
>> and
>> store the responses in an RDD. I can easy express the analysing part using
>> Spark's filter/map/etc. primitives but I don't know how to make the
>> requests. Is that something I can do from within Spark? Or Spark
>> Streaming?
>> Or does it conflict with the way Spark works?
>> I've found a similar question but am not sure whether the answer applies
>> here:
>> Any clarifications or pointers would be super helpful!
>> Thanks,
>> Kaspar
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