I have created a Custom Receiver in Java which receives data from Websphere MQ 
and I am only writing the received records on HDFS.

I have referred many forums for optimizing speed of spark streaming 
application. Here I am listing a few:

*         Spark 

*         VIrdata<http://www.virdata.com/tuning-spark/>

*          TD's Slide (A bit Old but 

I got mainly two point for my applicability :

*         giving batch interval as 1 sec

*         Controlling "spark.streaming.blockInterval" =200ms

*         inputStream.repartition(3)

But that did not improve my actual speed (records/sec) of receiver which is MAX 
5-10 records /sec. This is way less from my expectation.
Am I missing something?

Umesh Chaudhary

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