Hi Matt,

If you place your jars on HDFS in a public location, YARN will cache them
on each node after the first download.  You can also use the
spark.executor.extraClassPath config to point to them.


On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 4:47 PM, Sweeney, Matt <mswee...@fourv.com> wrote:

>  Hi folks,
>  I’m looking to deploy spark on YARN and I have read through the docs (
> https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/running-on-yarn.html). One question
> that I still have is if there is an alternate means of including your own
> app jars as opposed to the process in the “Adding Other Jars” section of
> the docs. The app jars and dependencies that I need to include are
> significant in size (100s MBs) and I’d rather deploy them in advance onto
> the cluster nodes disk so that I don’t have that overhead cost on the
> network for each spark-submit that is executed.
>  Thanks in advance for your help!
>  Matt

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