I think your observation is correct, you have to take care of these replayed 
data at your end,eg,each message has a unique id or something else.

I am using "I think" in the above sentense, because I am not sure and I also 
have a related question:
I am wonderring how direct stream + kakfa is implemented when the Driver is 
down and restarted, will it always first replay the checkpointed failed batch 
or will it honor Kafka's offset reset policy(auto.offset.reset). If it honors 
the reset policy and it is set as "smallest", then it is the at least once 
semantics;  if it set "largest", then it will be at most once semantics?

From: Haopu Wang
Date: 2015-06-19 18:47
To: Enno Shioji; Tathagata Das
CC: prajod.vettiyat...@wipro.com; Cody Koeninger; bit1...@163.com; Jordan 
Pilat; Will Briggs; Ashish Soni; ayan guha; user@spark.apache.org; Sateesh 
Kavuri; Spark Enthusiast; Sabarish Sasidharan
Subject: RE: RE: Spark or Storm
My question is not directly related: about the "exactly-once semantic", the 
document (copied below) said spark streaming gives exactly-once semantic, but 
actually from my test result, with check-point enabled, the application always 
re-process the files in last batch after gracefully restart.
Semantics of Received Data
Different input sources provide different guarantees, ranging from at-least 
once to exactly once. Read for more details.
With Files
If all of the input data is already present in a fault-tolerant files system 
like HDFS, Spark Streaming can always recover from any failure and process all 
the data. This gives exactly-once semantics, that all the data will be 
processed exactly once no matter what fails.

From: Enno Shioji [mailto:eshi...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 5:29 PM
To: Tathagata Das
Cc: prajod.vettiyat...@wipro.com; Cody Koeninger; bit1...@163.com; Jordan 
Pilat; Will Briggs; Ashish Soni; ayan guha; user@spark.apache.org; Sateesh 
Kavuri; Spark Enthusiast; Sabarish Sasidharan
Subject: Re: RE: Spark or Storm
Fair enough, on second thought, just saying that it should be idempotent is 
indeed more confusing.
I guess the crux of the confusion comes from the fact that people tend to 
assume the work you described (store batch id and skip etc.) is handled by the 
framework, perhaps partly because Storm Trident does handle it (you just need 
to let Storm know if the output operation has succeeded or not, and it handles 
the batch id storing & skipping business). Whenever I explain people that one 
needs to do this additional work you described to get end-to-end exactly-once 
semantics, it usually takes a while to convince them. In my limited experience, 
they tend to interpret "transactional" in that sentence to mean that you just 
have to write to a transactional storage like ACID RDB. Pointing them to 
"Semantics of output operations" is usually sufficient though.
Maybe others like @Ashish can weigh on this; did you interpret it in this way?
What if we change the statement into:
"end-to-end exactly-once semantics (if your updates to downstream systems are 
idempotent or transactional). To learn how to make your updates idempotent or 
transactional, see the "Semantics of output operations" section in this chapter"
That way, it's clear that it's not sufficient to merely write to a 
"transactional storage" like ACID store.
On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 9:08 AM, Tathagata Das <t...@databricks.com> wrote:
If the current documentation is confusing, we can definitely improve the 
documentation. However, I dont not understand why is the term "transactional" 
confusing. If your output operation has to add 5, then the user has to 
implement the following mechanism
1. If the unique id of the batch of data is already present in the store, then 
skip the update
2. Otherwise atomically do both, the update operation as well as store the 
unique id of the batch. This is pretty much the definition of a transaction. 
The user has to be aware of the transactional semantics of the data store while 
implementing this functionality. 
You CAN argue that this effective makes the whole updating sort-a idempotent, 
as even if you try doing it multiple times, it will update only once. But that 
is not what is generally considered as idempotent. Writing a fixed count, not 
an increment, is usually what is called idempotent. And so just mentioning that 
the output operation must be idempotent is, in my opinion, more confusing.
To take a page out of the Storm / Trident guide, even they call this exact 
conditional updating of Trident State as "transactional" operation. See 
"transactional spout" in the Trident State guide - 
In the end, I am totally open the suggestions and PRs on how to make the 
programming guide easier to understand. :)
On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 11:47 PM, Enno Shioji <eshi...@gmail.com> wrote:
Tbh I find the doc around this a bit confusing. If it says "end-to-end 
exactly-once semantics (if your updates to downstream systems are idempotent or 
transactional)", I think most people will interpret it that as long as you use 
a storage which has atomicity (like MySQL/Postgres etc.), a successful output 
operation for a given batch (let's say "+ 5") is going to be issued 
exactly-once against the storage.
However, as I understand it that's not what this statement means. What it is 
saying is, it will always issue "+5" and never, say "+6", because it makes sure 
a message is processed exactly-once internally. However, it *may* issue "+5" 
more than once for a given batch, and it is up to the developer to deal with 
this by either making the output operation idempotent (e.g. "set 5"), or 
"transactional" (e.g. keep track of batch IDs and skip already applied batches 
I wonder if it makes more sense to drop "or transactional" from the statement, 
because if you think about it, ultimately what you are asked to do is to make 
the writes idempotent even with the "transactional" approach, & "transactional" 
is a bit loaded and would be prone to lead to misunderstandings (even though in 
fairness, if you read the fault tolerance chapter it explicitly explains it).
On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 2:56 AM, <prajod.vettiyat...@wipro.com> wrote:
More details on the Direct API of Spark 1.3 is at the databricks blog: 
Note the use of checkpoints to persist the Kafka offsets in Spark Streaming 
itself, and not in zookeeper. 
Also this statement:”.. This allows one to build a Spark Streaming + Kafka 
pipelines with end-to-end exactly-once semantics (if your updates to downstream 
systems are idempotent or transactional).”
From: Cody Koeninger [mailto:c...@koeninger.org] 
Sent: 18 June 2015 19:38
To: bit1...@163.com
Cc: Prajod S Vettiyattil (WT01 - BAS); jrpi...@gmail.com; eshi...@gmail.com; 
wrbri...@gmail.com; asoni.le...@gmail.com; ayan guha; user; 
sateesh.kav...@gmail.com; sparkenthusi...@yahoo.in; 
Subject: Re: RE: Spark or Storm
That general description is accurate, but not really a specific issue of the 
direct steam.  It applies to anything consuming from kafka (or, as Matei 
already said, any streaming system really).  You can't have exactly once 
semantics, unless you know something more about how you're storing results.
For "some unique id", topicpartition and offset is usually the obvious choice, 
which is why it's important that the direct stream gives you access to the 
See https://github.com/koeninger/kafka-exactly-once for more info
On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 6:47 AM, bit1...@163.com <bit1...@163.com> wrote:
I am wondering how direct stream api ensures end-to-end exactly once semantics
I think there are two things involved:
1. From the spark streaming end, the driver will replay the Offset range when 
it's down and restarted,which means that the new tasks will process some 
already processed data.
2. From the user end, since tasks may process already processed data, user end 
should detect that some data has already been processed,eg,
use some unique ID.
Not sure if I have understood correctly.

From: prajod.vettiyat...@wipro.com
Date: 2015-06-18 16:56
To: jrpi...@gmail.com; eshi...@gmail.com
CC: wrbri...@gmail.com; asoni.le...@gmail.com; guha.a...@gmail.com; 
user@spark.apache.org; sateesh.kav...@gmail.com; sparkenthusi...@yahoo.in; 
Subject: RE: Spark or Storm
>>not being able to read from Kafka using multiple nodes
> Kafka is plenty capable of doing this..
I faced the same issue before Spark 1.3 was released.
The issue was not with Kafka, but with Spark Streaming’s Kafka connector. 
Before Spark 1.3.0 release one Spark worker would get all the streamed 
messages. We had to re-partition to distribute the processing.
From Spark 1.3.0 release the Spark Direct API for Kafka supported parallel 
reads from Kafka streamed to Spark workers. See the “Approach 2: Direct 
Approach” in this page: 
http://spark.apache.org/docs/1.3.0/streaming-kafka-integration.html. Note that 
is also mentions zero data loss and exactly once semantics for kafka 
From: Jordan Pilat [mailto:jrpi...@gmail.com] 
Sent: 18 June 2015 03:57
To: Enno Shioji
Cc: Will Briggs; asoni.le...@gmail.com; ayan guha; user; Sateesh Kavuri; Spark 
Enthusiast; Sabarish Sasidharan
Subject: Re: Spark or Storm
>not being able to read from Kafka using multiple nodes
Kafka is plenty capable of doing this,  by clustering together multiple 
consumer instances into a consumer group.
If your topic is sufficiently partitioned, the consumer group can consume the 
topic in a parallelized fashion.
If it isn't, you still have the fault tolerance associated with clustering the 
On Jun 17, 2015 1:27 AM, "Enno Shioji" <eshi...@gmail.com> wrote:
We've evaluated Spark Streaming vs. Storm and ended up sticking with Storm.
Some of the important draw backs are:
Spark has no back pressure (receiver rate limit can alleviate this to a certain 
point, but it's far from ideal)
There is also no exactly-once semantics. (updateStateByKey can achieve this 
semantics, but is not practical if you have any significant amount of state 
because it does so by dumping the entire state on every checkpointing)
There are also some minor drawbacks that I'm sure will be fixed quickly, like 
no task timeout, not being able to read from Kafka using multiple nodes, data 
loss hazard with Kafka.
It's also not possible to attain very low latency in Spark, if that's what you 
The pos for Spark is the concise and IMO more intuitive syntax, especially if 
you compare it with Storm's Java API.
I admit I might be a bit biased towards Storm tho as I'm more familiar with it.
Also, you can do some processing with Kinesis. If all you need to do is 
straight forward transformation and you are reading from Kinesis to begin with, 
it might be an easier option to just do the transformation in Kinesis.
On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 7:15 AM, Sabarish Sasidharan 
<sabarish.sasidha...@manthan.com> wrote:
Whatever you write in bolts would be the logic you want to apply on your 
events. In Spark, that logic would be coded in map() or similar such  
transformations and/or actions. Spark doesn't enforce a structure for capturing 
your processing logic like Storm does.
Probably overloading the question a bit.
In Storm, Bolts have the functionality of getting triggered on events. Is that 
kind of functionality possible with Spark streaming? During each phase of the 
data processing, the transformed data is stored to the database and this 
transformed data should then be sent to a new pipeline for further processing
How can this be achieved using Spark?
On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 10:10 AM, Spark Enthusiast <sparkenthusi...@yahoo.in> 
I have a use-case where a stream of Incoming events have to be aggregated and 
joined to create Complex events. The aggregation will have to happen at an 
interval of 1 minute (or less).
The pipeline is :
                                  send events                                   
       enrich event
Upstream services -------------------> KAFKA ---------> event Stream Processor 
------------> Complex Event Processor ------------> Elastic Search.
From what I understand, Storm will make a very good ESP and Spark Streaming 
will make a good CEP.
But, we are also evaluating Storm with Trident.
How does Spark Streaming compare with Storm with Trident?
Sridhar Chellappa
On Wednesday, 17 June 2015 10:02 AM, ayan guha <guha.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
I have a similar scenario where we need to bring data from kinesis to hbase. 
Data volecity is 20k per 10 mins. Little manipulation of data will be required 
but that's regardless of the tool so we will be writing that piece in Java 
All env is on aws. Hbase is on a long running EMR and kinesis on a separate 
On 17 Jun 2015 12:13, "Will Briggs" <wrbri...@gmail.com> wrote:
The programming models for the two frameworks are conceptually rather 
different; I haven't worked with Storm for quite some time, but based on my old 
experience with it, I would equate Spark Streaming more with Storm's Trident 
API, rather than with the raw Bolt API. Even then, there are significant 
differences, but it's a bit closer.

If you can share your use case, we might be able to provide better guidance.


On June 16, 2015, at 9:46 PM, asoni.le...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi All,

I am evaluating spark VS storm ( spark streaming  ) and i am not able to see 
what is equivalent of Bolt in storm inside spark.

Any help will be appreciated on this ?

Thanks ,
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