
I am having this problem on spark 1.4. Do you have any ideas how to solve it? I tried to use spark.executor.extraClassPath, but it did not help


On 04. mai 2015 23:47, Imran Rashid wrote:
Oh, this seems like a real pain. You should file a jira, I didn't see an open issue -- if nothing else just to document the issue.

As you've noted, the problem is that the serializer is created immediately in the executors, right when the SparkEnv is created, but the other jars aren't downloaded later. I think you could workaround with some combination of pushing the jars to the cluster manually, and then using spark.executor.extraClassPath

On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 6:42 PM, Akshat Aranya <aara...@gmail.com <mailto:aara...@gmail.com>> wrote:


    Is it possible to register kryo serialization for classes
    contained in jars that are added with "spark.jars"?  In my
    experiment it doesn't seem to work, likely because the class
    registration happens before the jar is shipped to the executor and
    added to the classloader.  Here's the general idea of what I want
    to do:

       val sparkConf = new SparkConf(true)
          .set("spark.jars", "foo.jar")

    // register classes contained in foo.jar

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