
Just looking for some clarity on the below 1.4 documentation.

>>And restarting from earlier checkpoint information of pre-upgrade code
cannot be done. The checkpoint information essentially contains serialized
Scala/Java/Python objects and trying to deserialize objects with new,
modified classes may lead to errors.

Does this mean, new code cannot be deployed over the same checkpoints even
if there are not any serialization related changes? (in other words, if the
new code does not break previous checkpoint code w.r.t serialization, would
new deploys work?)

>>In this case, either start the upgraded app with a different checkpoint
directory, or delete the previous checkpoint directory.

Assuming this applies to metadata & data checkpointing, does it mean that
effectively all the computed 'state' is gone? If I am reading from Kafka,
does the new code start receiving messages from where it left off?


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