Hi ,

Just would like to clarify few doubts I have how BlockManager behaves .
This is mostly in regards to Spark Streaming Context .

There are two possible cases Blocks may get dropped / not stored in memory

Case 1. While writing the Block for MEMORY_ONLY settings , if Node's
BlockManager does not have enough memory to unroll the block , Block wont
be stored to memory and Receiver will throw error while writing the Block..
If StorageLevel is using Disk ( as in case MEMORY_AND_DISK) , blocks will
be stored to Disk ONLY IF BlockManager not able to unroll to Memory... This
is fine in the case while receiving the blocks , but this logic has a issue
when old Blocks are chosen to be dropped from memory as Case 2

Case 2 : Now let say either for MEMORY_ONLY or MEMORY_AND_DISK settings ,
blocks are successfully stored to Memory in Case 1 . Now what would happen
if memory limit goes beyond a certain threshold, BlockManager start
dropping LRU blocks from memory which was successfully stored while

Primary issue here what I see , while dropping the blocks in Case 2 , Spark
does not check if storage level is using Disk (MEMORY_AND_DISK ) , and even
with DISK storage levels  blocks is drooped from memory without writing it
to Disk.
Or I believe the issue is at the first place that blocks are NOT written to
Disk simultaneously in Case 1 , I understand this will impact throughput ,
but it design may throw BlockNotFound error if Blocks are chosen to be
dropped even in case of StorageLevel is using Disk.

Any thoughts ?


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