Yes, you could unroll from the iterator in batch of 100-200 and then post
them in multiple rounds.
If you are using the Kafka receiver based approach (not Direct), then the
raw Kafka data is stored in the executor memory. If you are using Direct
Kafka, then it is read from Kafka directly at the time of filtering.


On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 9:34 PM, Shushant Arora <>

> I can post multiple items at a time.
> Data is being read from kafka and filtered after that its posted . Does 
> foreachPartition
> load complete partition in memory or use an iterator of batch underhood? If
> compete batch is not loaded will using custim size of 100-200 request in
> one batch and post will help instead of whole partition ?
> On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 12:18 AM, Tathagata Das <>
> wrote:
>> If you can post multiple items at a time, then use foreachPartition to
>> post the whole partition in a single request.
>> On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 9:35 AM, Richard Marscher <
>>> wrote:
>>> You can certainly create threads in a map transformation. We do this to
>>> do concurrent DB lookups during one stage for example. I would recommend,
>>> however, that you switch to mapPartitions from map as this allows you to
>>> create a fixed size thread pool to share across items on a partition as
>>> opposed to spawning a future per record in the RDD for example.
>>> On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 4:11 AM, Shushant Arora <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Can I create user threads in executors.
>>>> I have a streaming app where after processing I have a requirement to
>>>> push events to external system . Each post request costs ~90-100 ms.
>>>> To make post parllel, I can not use same thread because that is limited
>>>> by no of cores available in system , can I useuser therads in spark App? I
>>>> tried to create 2 thredas in a map tasks and it worked.
>>>> Is there any upper limit on no of user threds in spark executor ? Is it
>>>> a good idea to create user threads in spark map task?
>>>> Thanks
>>> --
>>> *Richard Marscher*
>>> Software Engineer
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