Thanks Reynold, that helps a lot. I'm glad you're involved with that Google
Doc community effort. I think it's because of that doc that the JEP's
wording and scope changed for the better since it originally got


On Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 11:18 AM, Reynold Xin <> wrote:

> I'm actually somewhat involved with the Google Docs you linked to.
> I don't think Oracle will remove Unsafe in JVM 9. As you said, JEP 260
> already proposes making Unsafe available. Given the widespread use of
> Unsafe for performance and advanced functionalities, I don't think Oracle
> can just remove it in one release. If they do, there will be strong
> backlash and the act would significantly undermine the credibility of the
> JVM as a long-term platform.
> Note that for Spark itself, we move pretty fast and can replace all the
> use of Unsafe with a newer alternative in one release if absolutely
> necessary (the actual coding takes only a day or two).
> On Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 5:29 AM, Marek Kolodziej <>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I attended the Tungsten-related presentations at Spark Summit (by Josh
>> Rosen) and at Big Data Scala (by Matei Zaharia). Needless to say, this
>> project holds great promise for major performance improvements.
>> At Josh's talk, I heard about the use of sun.misc.Unsafe as a way of
>> achieving some of these optimizations (e.g. slides 11-17 of Josh's
>> presentation:
>> I have no problems with the use of Unsafe in the code itself (I've done it
>> before myself, too), however I think there is a considerable risk
>> associated with beginning the use of Unsafe now, because Oracle is
>> determined to limit access to APIs such as Unsafe starting in Java 9.
>> JEP 260 <> was filed specifically to
>> limit access to internal JDK APIs that were "never intended for external
>> use, including "sun.misc.*" The JEP does say that the functionality of
>> sun.misc.Unsafe is to remain available even as other internal APIs are
>> blocked for non-JDK use, however, it also says that "the functionality of
>> many methods of this class is now available via *variable handles (JEP
>> 193 <>).*" If the direct access to
>> sun.misc.Unsafe is blocked and only the variable handles access remains,
>> this may mean more than just a need for code refactoring - functionality
>> such as doing "malloc" from Spark core may be restricted.
>> JEP 260 has evolved quite a bit over time and the wording available now
>> (after the Aug. 4, 2015) seems more reasonable than before. Nevertheless,
>> Hazelcast and other companies whose technologies depend on the availability
>> of Unsafe started a Google doc here
>> <>
>> .
>> I doubt that Oracle would want to make life difficult for everyone. In
>> addition to Spark's code base, projects such as Akka, Cassandra, Hibernate,
>> Netty, Neo4j and Spring (among many others) depend on Unsafe. Still, there
>> are tons of posts about this issue in the Java community (e.g. here
>> <>'s a
>> Hazelcast interview, also from Aug. 3, the day before the latest update to
>> JEP 260). There are tons of concerned posts on the blogosphere, too (e.g.
>> here
>> <>
>> ).
>> Have the leaders of the Spark community been following these
>> Unsafe-related developments and if so, what's Spark's plan of handling
>> whatever Oracle throws our way?
>> Marek

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