Hi all,

I'm still not clear what is the best (or, ANY) way to add/subtract
two org.apache.spark.mllib.Vector objects in Scala.

Ok, I understand there was a conscious Spark decision not to support linear
algebra operations in Scala and leave it to the user to choose a linear
algebra library.

But, for any newcomer from R or Python, where you don't think twice about
adding two vectors, it is such a productivity shot in the foot to have to
write your own + operation. I mean, there is support in Spark for p-norm of
Vectors, for sqdist between two Vectors, but not for +/-? As I said, I'm a
newcomer to linear algebra in Scala and am not familiar with Breeze or
apache.commons - I am willing to learn, but would really benefit from
guidance from more experienced users. I am also not used to optimizing
low-level code and am sure that any hack I do will be just horrible.

So, please, could somebody point me to a blog post, documentation, or just
patches for this really basic functionality. What do you do to get around
it? Am I the only one to have a problem? (And, would it really be so
onerous to add +/- to Spark? After all, even org.apache.spark.sql.Column
class does have +,-,*,/  )

My stupid little use case is to generate some toy data for Kmeans, and I
need to translate a Gaussian blob to another center (for streaming and
nonstreaming KMeans both).

Many thanks! (I am REALLY embarassed to ask such a simple question...)


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