Thanks Cody.

Are you suggesting to put the cache in global context in each executor JVM,
in a Scala object for example. Then have a scheduled task to refresh the
cache (or triggered by the expiry if Guava)?


On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 10:51 AM, Cody Koeninger <> wrote:

> If your data only changes every few days, why not restart the job every
> few days, and just broadcast the data?
> Or you can keep a local per-jvm cache with an expiry (e.g. guava cache) to
> avoid many mysql reads
> On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 9:46 AM, Chen Song <> wrote:
>> Piggyback on this question.
>> I have a similar use case but a bit different. My job is consuming a
>> stream from Kafka and I need to join the Kafka stream with some reference
>> table from MySQL (kind of data validation and enrichment). I need to
>> process this stream every 1 min. The data in MySQL is not changed very
>> often, maybe once a few days.
>> So my requirement is:
>> * I cannot easily use broadcast variable because the data does change,
>> although not very often.
>> * I am not sure if it is good practice to read data from MySQL in every
>> batch (in my case, 1 min).
>> Anyone has done this before, any suggestions and feedback is appreciated.
>> Chen
>> On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 11:50 AM, Ashic Mahtab <> wrote:
>>> If it is indeed a reactive use case, then Spark Streaming would be a
>>> good choice.
>>> One approach worth considering - is it possible to receive a message via
>>> kafka (or some other queue). That'd not need any polling, and you could use
>>> standard consumers. If polling isn't an issue, then writing a custom
>>> receiver will work fine. The way a receiver works is this:
>>> * Your receiver has a receive() function, where you'd typically start a
>>> loop. In your loop, you'd fetch items, and call store(entry).
>>> * You control everything in the receiver. If you're listening on a
>>> queue, you receive messages, store() and ack your queue. If you're polling,
>>> it's up to you to ensure delays between db calls.
>>> * The things you store() go on to make up the rdds in your DStream. So,
>>> intervals, windowing, etc. apply to those. The receiver is the boundary
>>> between your data source and the DStream RDDs. In other words, if your
>>> interval is 15 seconds with no windowing, then the things that went to
>>> store() every 15 seconds are bunched up into an RDD of your DStream. That's
>>> kind of a simplification, but should give you the idea that your "db
>>> polling" interval and streaming interval are not tied together.
>>> -Ashic.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2015 01:12:34 +1000
>>> Subject: Re: JDBC Streams
>>> From:
>>> To:
>>> CC:;
>>> Hi
>>> Thanks for the reply. here is my situation: I hve a DB which enbles
>>> synchronus CDC, think this as a DBtrigger which writes to a taable with
>>> "changed" values as soon as something changes in production table. My job
>>> will need to pick up the data "as soon as it arrives" which can be every 1
>>> min interval. Ideally it will pick up the changes, transform it into a
>>> jsonand puts it to kinesis. In short, I am emulating a Kinesis producer
>>> with a DB source (dont even ask why, lets say these are the constraints :) )
>>> Please advice (a) is spark a good choice here (b)  whats your suggestion
>>> either way.
>>> I understand I can easily do it using a simple java/python app but I am
>>> little worried about managing scaling/fault tolerance and thats where my
>>> concern is.
>>> TIA
>>> Ayan
>>> On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 12:51 AM, Ashic Mahtab <> wrote:
>>> Hi Ayan,
>>> How "continuous" is your workload? As Akhil points out, with streaming,
>>> you'll give up at least one core for receiving, will need at most one more
>>> core for processing. Unless you're running on something like Mesos, this
>>> means that those cores are dedicated to your app, and can't be leveraged by
>>> other apps / jobs.
>>> If it's something periodic (once an hour, once every 15 minutes, etc.),
>>> then I'd simply write a "normal" spark application, and trigger it
>>> periodically. There are many things that can take care of that - sometimes
>>> a simple cronjob is enough!
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2015 22:48:37 +1000
>>> Subject: Re: JDBC Streams
>>> From:
>>> To:
>>> CC:
>>> Thanks Akhil. In case I go with spark streaming, I guess I have to
>>> implment a custom receiver and spark streaming will call this receiver
>>> every batch interval, is that correct? Any gotcha you see in this plan?
>>> TIA...Best, Ayan
>>> On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 5:40 PM, Akhil Das <>
>>> wrote:
>>> If you want a long running application, then go with spark streaming
>>> (which kind of blocks your resources). On the other hand, if you use job
>>> server then you can actually use the resources (CPUs) for other jobs also
>>> when your dbjob is not using them.
>>> Thanks
>>> Best Regards
>>> On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 5:28 AM, ayan guha <> wrote:
>>> Hi All
>>> I have a requireent to connect to a DB every few minutes and bring data
>>> to HBase. Can anyone suggest if spark streaming would be appropriate for
>>> this senario or I shoud look into jobserver?
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> --
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Ayan Guha
>>> --
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Ayan Guha
>>> --
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Ayan Guha
>> --
>> Chen Song

Chen Song

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