Dear All,

Just now released the 1.0.4 version of Low Level Receiver based
Kafka-Spark-Consumer in .  You can find the latest
release here :

Here is github location :

This consumer is now have built in PID ( Proportional , Integral,
Derivative ) Rate controller to control the Spark Back-Pressure .

This consumer implemented the Rate Limiting logic not by controlling the
number of messages per block ( as it is done in Spark's Out of Box
Consumers), but by size of the blocks per batch. i.e. for any given batch,
this consumer controls the Rate limit by controlling the size of the
batches. As Spark memory is driven by block size rather the number of
messages , I think rate limit by block size is more appropriate. e.g. Let
assume Kafka contains messages of very small sizes ( say few hundred bytes
) to larger messages ( to few hundred KB ) for same topic. Now if we
control the rate limit by number of messages, Block sizes may vary
drastically based on what type of messages get pulled per block . Whereas ,
if I control my rate limiting by size of block, my block size remain
constant across batches (even though number of messages differ across
blocks ) and can help to tune my memory settings more correctly as I know
how much exact memory my Block is going to consume.

This Consumer has its own PID (Proportional, Integral, Derivative )
Controller built into the consumer and control the Spark Back Pressure by
modifying the size of Block it can consume at run time. The PID Controller
rate feedback mechanism is built using Zookeeper. Again the logic to
control Back Pressure is not by controlling number of messages ( as it is
done in Spark 1.5 , SPARK-7398) but altering size of the Block consumed per
batch from Kafka. As the Back Pressure is built into the Consumer, this
consumer can be used with any version of Spark if anyone want to have a
back pressure controlling mechanism in their existing Spark / Kafka


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