Hi Feynman,

I just tried that, but there wasn't a noticeable change in training
performance. On the other hand model loading time was reduced to ~ 5
seconds from ~ 2 minutes (now persisted as LocalLDAModel).

However, query / prediction time was unchanged.
Unfortunately, this is the critical performance characteristic in our case.


On 15 September 2015 at 19:26, Feynman Liang <fli...@databricks.com> wrote:

> Hi Marko,
> I haven't looked into your case in much detail but one immediate thought
> is: have you tried the OnlineLDAOptimizer? It's implementation and
> resulting LDA model (LocalLDAModel) is quite different (doesn't depend on
> GraphX, assumes the model fits on a single machine) so you may see
> performance differences.
> Feynman

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