I'm having trouble compiling Spark with SBT for Scala 2.11. The command I
use is:

    build/sbt -Pyarn -Phadoop-2.11 -Dscala-2.11

followed by


in the sbt shell.

The error I get specifically is:

no valid targets for annotation on value conf - it is discarded unused. You
may specify targets with meta-annotations, e.g. @(transient @param)
[error] private[netty] class NettyRpcEndpointRef(@transient conf: SparkConf)

However I am also getting a large amount of deprecation warnings, making me
wonder if I am supplying some incompatible/unsupported options to sbt. I am
using Java 1.8 and the latest Spark master sources.
Does someone know if I am doing anything wrong or is the sbt build broken?

thanks for you help,

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