
Another point is the in the receiver based approach, all the data from kafka 
first goes to the Worker where the receiver runs

Also if you create one stream (which is the normal case), and you have many 
worker instances, only one worker does all the reading. Once that worker reads, 
the data can be “repartitioned” to distribute the load. This repartitioning is 
a data movement overhead in the receiver based approach.
In Receiver approach:
Multiple Kafka input DStreams can be created with different groups and topics 
for parallel receiving of data using multiple receivers.

In Direct approach:
Simplified Parallelism: No need to create multiple input Kafka streams and 
union them.

From: Gerard Maas [mailto:gerard.m...@gmail.com]
Sent: 14 October 2015 18:53
To: Saisai Shao <sai.sai.s...@gmail.com>
Cc: Rishitesh Mishra <rmis...@snappydata.io>; spark users 
Subject: Re: Node afinity for Kafka-Direct Stream

Thanks Saisai, Mishra,

Indeed, that hint will only work on a case where the Spark executor is 
co-located with the Kafka broker.
I think the answer to my question as stated  is that there's no warranty of 
where the task will execute as it will depend on the scheduler and cluster 
resources available  (Mesos in our case).
Therefore, any assumptions made about data locality using the consumer-based 
approach need to be reconsidered when migrating to the direct stream.

((In our case, we were using local caches to decide when a given secondary 
index for a record should be produced and written.))

-kr, Gerard.

On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 2:58 PM, Saisai Shao 
<sai.sai.s...@gmail.com<mailto:sai.sai.s...@gmail.com>> wrote:
This preferred locality is a hint to spark to schedule Kafka tasks on the 
preferred nodes, if Kafka and Spark are two separate cluster, obviously this 
locality hint takes no effect, and spark will schedule tasks following 
node-local -> rack-local -> any pattern, like any other spark tasks.

On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 8:10 PM, Rishitesh Mishra 
<rmis...@snappydata.io<mailto:rmis...@snappydata.io>> wrote:
Hi Gerard,
I am also trying to understand the same issue. Whatever code I have seen it 
looks like once Kafka RDD is constructed the execution of that RDD is upto the 
task scheduler and it can schedule the partitions based on the load on nodes. 
There is preferred node specified in Kafks RDD. But ASFIK it maps to the Kafka 
partitions host . So if Kafka and Spark are co hosted probably this will work. 
If not, I am not sure how to get data locality for a partition.
correct me if there is a way.

On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 3:08 PM, Gerard Maas 
<gerard.m...@gmail.com<mailto:gerard.m...@gmail.com>> wrote:
In the receiver-based kafka streaming model, given that each receiver starts as 
a long-running task, one can rely in a certain degree of data locality based on 
the kafka partitioning:  Data published on a given topic/partition will land on 
the same spark streaming receiving node until the receiver dies and needs to be 
restarted somewhere else.

As I understand, the direct-kafka streaming model just computes offsets and 
relays the work to a KafkaRDD. How is the execution locality compared to the 
receiver-based approach?

thanks, Gerard.


Rishitesh Mishra,
SnappyData . (http://www.snappydata.io/)


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