I looked around on the web and I couldn’t find any way to deal in a structured 
way with malformed/faulty records during computation. All I was able to find 
was the flatMap/Some/None technique + logging.
I’m facing this problem because I have a processing algorithm that extracts 
more than one value from each record, but can fail in extracting one of those 
multiple values, and I want to keep track of them. Logging is not feasible 
because this “warning” happens so frequently that the logs would become 
overwhelming and impossibile to read.
Since I have 3 different possible outcomes from my processing I modeled it with 
this class hierarchy:
That holds result and/or warnings.
Since Result implements Traversable it can be used in a flatMap, discarding all 
warnings and failure results, in the other hand, if we want to keep track of 
warnings, we can elaborate them and output them if we need.

Kind Regards

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