Hi Timothy,
Thanks for your feedback, I logged 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-11143 to trace this issue.

If any more suggestions, please let me know :).

Da (Klaus), Ma (马达) | PMP® | Advisory Software Engineer 
Platform Symphony/DCOS Development & Support, STG, IBM GCG 
+86-10-8245 4084 | mad...@cn.ibm.com | http://www.cguru.net

Subject: Re: How to enable Spark mesos docker executor?
From: t...@mesosphere.io
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2015 10:11:36 +0800
CC: user@spark.apache.org
To: kl...@cguru.net

Hi Klaus,
Sorry not next to a computer but it could possibily be a bug that it doesn't 
take SPARK_HOME as the base path. Currently the spark image seems to set the 
working directory so that it works. 
I'll look at the code to verify but seems like it could be the case. If it's 
true feel free to create a JIRA and/or provide a fix.
On Oct 16, 2015, at 9:28 AM, Klaus Ma <kl...@cguru.net> wrote:

Hi team,
I'm working on integration between Mesos & Spark. For now, I can start 
SlaveMesosDispatcher in a docker; and I like to also run Spark executor in 
Mesos docker. I do the following configuration for it, but I got an error; any 
conf/spark-defaults.confspark.mesos.executor.docker.image        ubuntu
spark.mesos.executor.home                /root/spark
#spark.executorEnv.SPARK_HOME             /root/spark
spark.executorEnv.MESOS_NATIVE_LIBRARY   /usr/local/lib
NOTE: The spark are installed in /home/test/workshop/spark, and all 
dependencies are installed.After submit SparkPi to the dispatcher, the driver 
job is started but failed. The error messes is:I1015 11:10:29.488456 18697 
exec.cpp:134] Version: 0.26.0
I1015 11:10:29.506619 18699 exec.cpp:208] Executor registered on slave 
WARNING: Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities, memory limited 
without swap.
/bin/sh: 1: ./bin/spark-submit: not found
Does any know how to map/set spark home in docker for this case?
Da (Klaus), Ma (马达) | PMP® | Advisory Software Engineer 
Platform Symphony/DCOS Development & Support, STG, IBM GCG 
+86-10-8245 4084 | mad...@cn.ibm.com | http://www.cguru.net

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