I see two argument ctor. e.g.

  /** Construct an RDD with just a one-to-one dependency on one parent */
  def this(@transient oneParent: RDD[_]) =
    this(oneParent.context , List(new OneToOneDependency(oneParent)))

Looks like Tuple in your code is T in the following:

abstract class RDD[T: ClassTag](
    @transient private var _sc: SparkContext,
    @transient private var deps: Seq[Dependency[_]]


On Sun, Oct 18, 2015 at 6:39 AM, VJ Anand <vjan...@sankia.com> wrote:

> I am trying to extend RDD in java, and when I call the parent constructor,
> it gives the error: no suitable constructor found for RDD (SparkContext,
> Seq, ClassTag<Object>).
>  Here is the snippet of the code:
> class QueryShard extends RDD<Tuple> {
> ----
> sc (sc, (Seq)new ArrayBuffer<Dependency<?>>,
> ClassTag$.MODULE$.apply(Tuple.class);
> }
> Compiler error: no suitable constructor found for RDD (SparkContext, Seq,
> ClassTag<Object>)
> Any thoughts? pointers..
> Thanks
> VJ

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