On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 5:01 AM, Koert Kuipers <> wrote:

> oh no wonder... it undoes the glob (i was reading from /some/path/*),
> creates a hadoopRdd for every path, and then creates a union of them using
> UnionRDD.
> thats not what i want... no need to do union. AvroInpuFormat already has
> the ability to handle globs (or multiple paths comma separated) very
> efficiently. AvroRelation should just pass the paths (comma separated).
> On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 1:37 PM, Anders Arpteg <> wrote:
>> Yes, seems unnecessary. I actually tried patching the
>> com.databricks.spark.avro reader to only broadcast once per dataset,
>> instead of every single file/partition. It seems to work just as fine, and
>> there are significantly less broadcasts and not seeing out of memory issues
>> any more. Strange that more people does not react to this, since the
>> broadcasting seems completely unnecessary...
>> Best,
>> Anders
>> On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 7:03 PM Koert Kuipers <> wrote:
>>> i am seeing the same thing. its gona completely crazy creating
>>> broadcasts for the last 15 mins or so. killing it...
>>> On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 1:24 PM, Anders Arpteg <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Running spark 1.5.0 in yarn-client mode, and am curios in why there are
>>>> so many broadcast being done when loading datasets with large number of
>>>> partitions/files. Have datasets with thousands of partitions, i.e. hdfs
>>>> files in the avro folder, and sometime loading hundreds of these large
>>>> datasets. Believe I have located the broadcast to line
>>>> SparkContext.scala:1006. It seems to just broadcast the hadoop
>>>> configuration, and I don't see why it should be necessary to broadcast that
>>>> for EVERY file? Wouldn't it be possible to reuse the same broadcast
>>>> configuration? It hardly the case the the configuration would be different
>>>> between each file in a single dataset. Seems to be wasting lots of memory
>>>> and needs to persist unnecessarily to disk (see below again).
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Anders
>>>> 15/09/24 17:11:11 INFO BlockManager: Writing block
>>>> broadcast_1871_piece0 to disk
>>>>  [19/49086]15/09/24 17:11:11 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added
>>>> broadcast_1871_piece0 on disk on (size: 23.1 KB)
>>>> 15/09/24 17:11:11 INFO MemoryStore: Block broadcast_4803_piece0 stored
>>>> as bytes in memory (estimated size 23.1 KB, free 2.4 KB)
>>>> 15/09/24 17:11:11 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_4803_piece0 in
>>>> memory on (size: 23.1 KB, free: 464.0 MB)
>>>> 15/09/24 17:11:11 INFO SpotifySparkContext: Created broadcast 4803 from
>>>> hadoopFile at AvroRelation.scala:121
>>>> 15/09/24 17:11:11 WARN MemoryStore: Failed to reserve initial memory
>>>> threshold of 1024.0 KB for computing block broadcast_4804 in memory
>>>> .
>>>> 15/09/24 17:11:11 WARN MemoryStore: Not enough space to cache
>>>> broadcast_4804 in memory! (computed 496.0 B so far)
>>>> 15/09/24 17:11:11 INFO MemoryStore: Memory use = 530.3 MB (blocks) +
>>>> 0.0 B (scratch space shared across 0 tasks(s)) = 530.3 MB. Storage
>>>> limit = 530.3 MB.
>>>> 15/09/24 17:11:11 WARN MemoryStore: Persisting block broadcast_4804 to
>>>> disk instead.
>>>> 15/09/24 17:11:11 INFO MemoryStore: ensureFreeSpace(23703) called with
>>>> curMem=556036460, maxMem=556038881
>>>> 15/09/24 17:11:11 INFO MemoryStore: 1 blocks selected for dropping
>>>> 15/09/24 17:11:11 INFO BlockManager: Dropping block
>>>> broadcast_1872_piece0 from memory
>>>> 15/09/24 17:11:11 INFO BlockManager: Writing block
>>>> broadcast_1872_piece0 to disk

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