A dependency couldn't be downloaded:

[INFO] +- com.h2database:h2:jar:1.4.183:test

Have you checked your network settings ?


On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 10:22 AM, Bilinmek Istemiyor <benibi...@gmail.com>

> Thank you for the quick reply. You are God Send. I have long not been
> programming in java, nothing know about maven, scala, sbt ant spark stuff.
> I used java 7 since build failed with java 8. Which java version do you
> advise in general to use spark. I can downgrade scala version as well. Can
> you advise me a version number. I did not see any information at spark
> build page.
> I  followed your directions. However build finished with following output.
> I do not know if it is normal SQL Project build failure.
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Reactor Summary:
> [INFO]
> [INFO] Spark Project Parent POM ........................... SUCCESS [04:49
> min]
> [INFO] Spark Project Launcher ............................. SUCCESS [04:14
> min]
> [INFO] Spark Project Networking ........................... SUCCESS [
> 20.354 s]
> [INFO] Spark Project Shuffle Streaming Service ............ SUCCESS [
> 5.287 s]
> [INFO] Spark Project Unsafe ............................... SUCCESS [
> 18.095 s]
> [INFO] Spark Project Core ................................. SUCCESS [12:59
> min]
> [INFO] Spark Project Bagel ................................ SUCCESS [02:54
> min]
> [INFO] Spark Project GraphX ............................... SUCCESS [
> 29.764 s]
> [INFO] Spark Project Streaming ............................ SUCCESS [01:12
> min]
> [INFO] Spark Project Catalyst ............................. SUCCESS [02:58
> min]
> [INFO] Spark Project SQL .................................. FAILURE [02:50
> min]
> [INFO] Spark Project ML Library ........................... SKIPPED
> [INFO] Spark Project Tools ................................ SKIPPED
> [INFO] Spark Project Hive ................................. SKIPPED
> [INFO] Spark Project REPL ................................. SKIPPED
> [INFO] Spark Project YARN ................................. SKIPPED
> [INFO] Spark Project Assembly ............................. SKIPPED
> [INFO] Spark Project External Twitter ..................... SKIPPED
> [INFO] Spark Project External Flume Sink .................. SKIPPED
> [INFO] Spark Project External Flume ....................... SKIPPED
> [INFO] Spark Project External Flume Assembly .............. SKIPPED
> [INFO] Spark Project External MQTT ........................ SKIPPED
> [INFO] Spark Project External MQTT Assembly ............... SKIPPED
> [INFO] Spark Project External ZeroMQ ...................... SKIPPED
> [INFO] Spark Project External Kafka ....................... SKIPPED
> [INFO] Spark Project Examples ............................. SKIPPED
> [INFO] Spark Project External Kafka Assembly .............. SKIPPED
> [INFO] Spark Project YARN Shuffle Service ................. SKIPPED
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Total time: 33:15 min
> [INFO] Finished at: 2015-10-25T19:12:15+02:00
> [INFO] Final Memory: 63M/771M
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project spark-sql_2.11: Could not
> resolve dependencies for project org.apache.spark:spark-sql_2.11:jar:1.5.1:
> Could not transfer artifact com.h2database:h2:jar:1.4.183 from/to central (
> https://repo1.maven.org/maven2): GET request of:
> com/h2database/h2/1.4.183/h2-1.4.183.jar from central failed: SSL peer shut
> down incorrectly -> [Help 1]
> [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the
> -e switch.
> [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
> [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions,
> please read the following articles:
> [ERROR] [Help 1]
> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/DependencyResolutionException
> [ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the
> command
> [ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :spark-sql_2.11
> On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 6:00 PM, Todd Nist <tsind...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Bilnmek,
>> Spark 1.5.x does not support Scala 2.11.7 so the easiest thing to do it
>> build it like your trying.  Here are the steps I followed to build it on a
>> Max OS X 10.10.5 environment, should be very similar on ubuntu.
>> 1.  set theJAVA_HOME environment variable in my bash session via export
>> JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home).
>> 2. Spark is easiest to build with Maven so insure maven is installed, I
>> installed 3.3.x.
>> 3.  Download the source form Spark's site and extract.
>> 4.  Change into the spark-1.5.1 folder and run:
>>        ./dev/change-scala-version.sh 2.11
>> 5.  Issue the following command to build and create a distribution;
>> ./make-distribution.sh --name hadoop-2.6_scala-2.11 --tgz -Pyarn
>> -Phadoop-2.6 -Dhadoop.version=2.6.0 -Dscala-2.11 -DskipTests
>> This will provide you with a a fully self-contained installation of Spark
>> for Scala 2.11 including scripts and the like.  There are some limitations
>> see this,
>> http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/building-spark.html#building-for-scala-211,
>> for what is not supported.
>> HTH,
>> -Todd
>> On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 10:56 AM, Bilinmek Istemiyor <benibi...@gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> I am just starting out apache spark. I hava zero knowledge about the
>>> spark environment, scala and sbt. I have a built problems which I could not
>>> solve. Any help much appreciated.
>>> I am using kubuntu 14.04, java "1.7.0_80, scala 2.11.7 and spark 1.5.1
>>> I tried to compile spark from source an and receive following errors
>>> [0m[[31merror[0m] [0mimpossible to get artifacts when data has not been
>>> loaded. IvyNode = org.scala-lang#scala-library;2.10.3[0m
>>> [0m[[31merror[0m] [0m(hive/*:[31mupdate[0m)
>>> java.lang.IllegalStateException: impossible to get artifacts when data has
>>> not been loaded. IvyNode = org.scala-lang#scala-library;2.10.3[0m
>>> [0m[[31merror[0m] [0m(streaming-flume-sink/avro:[31mgenerate[0m)
>>> org.apache.avro.SchemaParseException: Undefined name: "strıng"[0m
>>> [0m[[31merror[0m] [0m(streaming-kafka-assembly/*:[31massembly[0m)
>>> java.util.zip.ZipException: duplicate entry: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF[0m
>>> [0m[[31merror[0m] [0m(streaming-mqtt/test:[31massembly[0m)
>>> java.util.zip.ZipException: duplicate entry: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF[0m
>>> [0m[[31merror[0m] [0m(assembly/*:[31massembly[0m)
>>> java.util.zip.ZipException: duplicate entry: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF[0m
>>> [0m[[31merror[0m] [0m(streaming-mqtt-assembly/*:[31massembly[0m)
>>> java.util.zip.ZipException: duplicate entry: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF[0m
>>> [0m[[31merror[0m] [0mTotal time: 1128 s, completed 25.Eki.2015
>>> 11:00:52[0m
>>> Sorry about some strange characters. I tried to capture the output with
>>> sbt clean assembly 2>&1 | tee compile.txt
>>> compile.txt was full of these characters.  I have attached the output of
>>> full compile process "compile.txt".
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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