Hi, i have an ApplicationMaster which accepts requests and launches container on which it launches spark-submit --master yarn. In request i have a field "username" - the user i want to laucnh a job from. How can i set a user which will be run conmmand on a container? Currently they all running as yarn user even though AM is running as a root user.

Here's my code:

private def setupTokens(username:String): ByteBuffer = {
  val credentials = UserGroupInformation.createProxyUser(username, 
  val dob =new DataOutputBuffer();
  ByteBuffer.wrap(dob.getData(),0, dob.getLength()).duplicate();

val cCLC = Records.newRecord(classOf[ContainerLaunchContext])

cCLC.setCommands(List("spark-submit --master yarn ..."))


Thanks, Peter Rudenko

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