Hi guys,

I’m trying to deploy a custom application.conf that contains various app 
specific entries and config overrides for akka and spray.

The file is successfully loaded by the driver by submitting with  
—driver-class-path – at least for the application specific config.

I haven’t yet managed to convince the executors to load and apply the akka and 
spray config, although it’s my understanding that Typesafe config will use any 
application.conf file on the class path and merge/update the reference.conf 
file from the uber-jar.

So far I’ve tried:

  *   Absolute path (file is present on all the nodes) specified as 
spark.executor.extraJavaOptions “-Dconfig.file=file:///path/to/application.conf”
  *   Uploading file from submit (similar to how you enable custom logging) + 
custom executor class path: --files /path/to/application.conf and 

None have worked so far.
I’m using Spark streaming 1.5.1 and Yarn (hadoop 2.6).

I’ve already searched the list for custom application.conf and haven’t seen any 
successful examples.


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